Friday, April 24, 2009


The continuous increase in the spread of information and communications technology (ICTs) has opened up new opportunities for most developing countries in Africa modern times, Nigeria inclusive. IN Africa ICT has transformed the means, form and methods of education, business, health care, oil and gas, and other fields and this has led to the harnessing of the needed technologies and services to reach developmental goals, accelerate economic development and enhance individual and collective lives. The wide acceptance of Information and Communications Technology in Nigeria has brought in an unprecedented economic growth and benefits. The role of ICT in these sectors cannot be overemphasized.

In the Educational Sector, ICT has speedup learning and teaching at the speed of thought. It has also shaped and honed the skills of Nigerian Workshop. The use of educational softwares, electronic mediums and telecommunications had helped in clarifying some issues of controversy and has saved both time and energy in easy communications.

According to the Professor at the department of Educational psychology and Curriculum studies, Universty of Benin, Aduwa-Ogiegbean E.S and Iyamu S.O during a paper presentation on ‘Using Information and Communication Technology in Secondary Schools in Nigeria: Problems and prospecs’ in 2005, to be a major player in global market place and prepare her citizens for the new environment of today and the future, Nigeria should constantly embrace ICT to aid in teaching and learning as a tool for management and an instrument for economic development and high technological development.

In the Banking industry, ICT has helped in meeting some of the basic needs of customers which is safety and quality of service which manifests in speed and efficiency. Nigerian consumers value these qualities over proximity to the bank. The banks ha also very much realized that one-way they can provide quality service is by adopting a real-time online banking transaction system; a feature of ICT of which that telephones, computer systems, local area network, facsimile services, wide area networks, wireless phones are some of the tools these banks use.

The health sector has also witnessed huge improvements from ICT. According to Professor Idowu B.E Ogunbodede and Idowu B, in the presentation of their papers “Information and Communication Technology in Nigeria. The Health Sector Experience” noted that the introduction of ICT in Nigeria especially through mobile phone and internet has helped in speedy health care delivery systems in Nigeria.

Policies and Infrastructure in Nigeria have been geared towards the improvement of ICT in Nigeria. Various. There is an influx of ICT companies in Nigeria. Telecommunications companies are on the increase and IT companies are growing in number everyday. Many business enhancing softwares are now in the market an some has helped in making the citizens lives easier and time saving. The National Information technology Developent Agency (NITDA) has embarked on projects as public service network (PSNET), Human Capacity Building and Mobile Internet Unit to create further awareness of ICT.

Telecommunications is an important part of modern society. In 2006, estimates placed the telecommunications industry’s revenue at $1.2 trillion (USD) or just under 3 percent of the gross world product. Its importance on economic and social development cannot be under estimated.

Since the launch of the Global Systems for Mobile (GSM) telecommunications, mobile telephony has rapidly become the most popular method of voice communication in Nigeria. Growth has been so rapid that Information and Communications Technology is a powerful tool that countries like Nigeria can use to exploit the technological know-how. ICT has also helped in improving transparency, providing accurate data and information.

Again the role of Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) since its inception and the introduction of Mobile Communications Systems have helped Nigeria leapfrog into the circle of big players in the world of ICTs.

Meanwhile analyst say the quickest route to space could well involve buying in technology from either Russia or China, which are both very eager to partner with Nigeria in the project. Nigeria is ideally sited for a spaceport. It’s position just north of the equator means any rocket can harness maximum benefit from the Earth’s rotation, which helps catapult the vehicle into space, when it makes the leap into the orbit. However Nigeria’s neighboring countries could have something to say about this project as the rocket cross their territories. Less fuel should be needed, making the launch less expensive. It also means heavier satellites can be carried.

A couple of years ago, the world wide satellite launch business broke through the $100 billion mark. Some analysts think the world’s appetite for more satellite television and bigger and better communications, based on the new mobile technologies and the internet, could make the sector worth tens of trillions of dollars by 2020. it is for this reason that many countries want to get into the commercial launch business. India for example recently launched its new GSLV rocket, which is capable of placing satellites in geosynchronous (stationary) orbits.